
The From the Desk of Tek and Goldie column will be a monthly one featuring Q & A (similar to the Dear Goldie section from past magazines), articles, testimonies, teaching, news, and personal observations.

For long-time readers of Asian Beacon, Tek and Goldie Chong are no strangers. For our newer followers, however, it may be useful to provide a short introduction for the Chongs.

Tek and Goldie have been involved in publishing, editing, and writing for Asian Beacon since its inception in 1969 in Malacca, Malaysia. In 2014, the Chongs had their own vision and mission, which they felt could be better served by starting their own digital blog at deargoldie.com. Through this digital blog site, they kept in touch with their circle of friends and contacts, sharing stories about life and experiences.

After a short hiatus, the Chongs have returned to work closely with Asian Beacon. Both the Chongs and Asian Beacon feel that this is a timely occasion where they can provide a column to edify the Christians in this region again.

The From the Desk of Tek and Goldie column will be regular; featuring Q & A (similar to the Dear Goldie section from past magazines), articles, testimonies, teaching, news, and personal observations.


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