Dear Goldie
Were on cloud nine – we are New Grandparents.
We want to understand our role and learn some successful tips for Grandparenting
Can you Help
Newly Grand.
Dear Newly Grand,
I’m glad you caught the idea when you call yourselves “grand”. The definition of “grand” is: magnificent, splendid, noble, wonderful, pleasing, of great importance and distinction. Certainly grandparents should and can be these. But grandparenting, like parenting, does not come naturally as you already realise. If you want to do a good job, you have to be intentional. Don’t take the relationship for granted and expect it will “just happen”. Out of many things you can do, I will suggest just one – intercede.
When our one-year-old grandson visited us in Perth, we blessed him every day by praying Numbers 6:26: “The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you, the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.” When he returned to Singapore after two weeks, his mother wrote, “Ryan seems to be more cheerful and peaceful. He smiles and lifts his hands and shouts ‘hallelujah’ when he hears praise and worship music. It must be his grandparents’ prayers.” We don’t preach but we can pray Scriptures over young children.
My friend related, “My two-year-old granddaughter visited from Malaysia. I felt it was strange that whenever I prayed for her, she would remonstrate, ‘Don’t pray’. When I sang Christian songs, she resisted with ‘Don’t sing’. If I continued, she would put her hands to her ears and run away. I realised there were spiritual obstacles, so my wife and I agreed to pray for her every day. Our daughter joined us by involving her in acting out exciting Bible stories which she enjoyed.”
It was only in the seventh week before the visit ended that they saw a breakthrough: no more resistance and even gladly joining in saying “Amen”. She even wanted to memorise Psalm 23 with her eight-year-old cousin. Four months later when her day care teacher asked, “Where does your daddy come from?” she answered, “God made Daddy”. This shows a little child’s remarkable spiritual perception and retention.
Steven was two years old when his grandma became a Christian. Now 50 years later, he remembers her reading the Bible and praying regularly. When her friends visited her back then, their conversation was not gossip, food or complaints of aches and pains but on how good it is to believe in Jesus and who to visit to share the Good News. At that time, Grandma’s father was bedridden. Grandma often prayed together with Steven for his salvation. She told Steven, then about six years old, to ask Great-Grandpa every day whether he wanted to believe in Jesus.
Usually without bothering to reply, he would shake his head. This went on for several months. Then one night, before Steven went to bed, he asked Great-Grandpa the same question. To his surprise, Great-Grandpa nodded. Grandma confirmed it and asked the pastor to baptise him the next day. Great-Grandpa then asked, “Who are those two beautiful ladies in my room?” Two weeks later, he smiled peacefully, “The two ladies are here to take me away.” He died, accompanied by the angels. Grandma, though unaware, was modeling for her grandson the power of prayer, for which he is forever thankful.
So from the beginning of their lives, intentionally mentor your grandkids with good values. You can be real “grand” parents – people who are wonderful, important, significant and above all, who leave them a valuable legacy.
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