My earliest knowledge of God

For some time Tek and I have wanted to start a blog but just did not have the know-how or somebody to guide us. Then we remembered Timothy Tay who has the website Churchinperth mention that a retired pastor was helping him with it.  We asked Timothy to introduce us to Gary Green. We believe Gary is a God-send.  We want to introduce him to you as our co-editor and webmaster. We work beautifully together as a team. During our times of meeting we found that he and his wife Adrienne have some very interesting encounters with God.  We have asked them to share these with our readers.

Gary’s story will appear in a series. Here he shares

My earliest knowledge of God

By Gary Green

Childhood experience


Left to Right: Peter (Cousin), Myself, Stuart (Brother), Susan (Sister)

During my childhood I recall a day being outside in the back yard.  I gazed up into the sky and its appearance seemed to engulf me like being swallowed up in the rich blue clear sky. Losing the sense of all my immediate surroundings and having this overwhelming sense Jesus was coming back to earth, I spoke out to him, “remember me when you return! “  I recall this like it was yesterday.

My contacts with church was going to Sunday school at our local Presbyterian Church. Mum and dad didn’t go – they  just sent me and my sister.

I used to pray every night before I slept that the Lord would place his angels to watch over me.  I always started with a simple prayer we were taught:

“Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.”

Many times I felt a presence come over me and I somehow knew an angel was near, protecting me. God was just real to me, I just didn’t understand Him fully.


gary-18I was 18 years old, was driving  to the movies on a Sunday night but somehow ended up at a Baptist church 5 minutes before the end of a service.  The youth pastor took me aside and shared the Four Spiritual Laws. I heard God saying, “ I have a new life for you.  Do you want it?” I said , “Yes!” Driving home that evening after giving my life to God, I told Him, “ God I really mean this.  It’s You and me.”  Within moments of saying this, a joy flooded my soul.  I began to sing to God in English and a language I did not know.  I later came to learn this was speaking in tongues. It just happened and I knew it was God.

I woke in the morning and my flat mate said “What’s happened to you?  Something is really different.” I had not said a word to him about the previous evening.

I had a huge hunger to read the bible and found myself reading day and night for 3 months solid. I saw an advert for Postal Bible Studies so I wrote in and commenced a study of the bible via a postal course.  It was a great foundation to my walk with the Lord.end48


Danny Cheah

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