By an anonymous confessor
I saw a disconnect between the faith I professed and the way I lived my life. Specifically, I felt like a Pharisee—giving voice to my beliefs all day long in the synagogue, and yet, on my way home, walking around the beaten and bloodied man on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. I was completely absorbed by “growing” in my faith. I was internally focused on “feeling” God’s presence. Sadly, my Christianity was all about me.
The people who understand and have been transformed by the gospel. They are those who give food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothes to the naked, help to the sick, and friendship to the stranger and those in prison. That passage hit me like a freight train, and I realized that I wasn’t doing anything on that list. Not only was I not participating in the gospel, I didn’t even know anyone who was hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, a stranger, or in prison!
I didn’t want to become another “awareness” campaign, I wanted to do something that made a difference. awareness by itself means nothing. Awareness is important, but it must lead to an idea of how to help, and that idea must lead to practical action. It’s not enough to sit at home watching a TV show and texting to give $5 to the Red Cross. It’s not enough to like a page on Facebook, or re-tweet something from a ministry. We have to actively participate.