Dear Tek and Goldie

Angry Mother

My Christian friend has a son who used to be a godly Christian but now has committed adultery and divorced his Christian wife. She has been telling her beloved son that God will punish him in hell but he does not want to obey God and has even set a September wedding date. Continue Reading


Very Hurt

Answering your questions based on biblical principles Dear Unsure, We don’t think there is anyone who has not gone through more or less the same experience as you. We will share with you our own experience. DEAL WITH ONESELF First… Continue Reading

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Dealing with Differences

Dear Goldie, My husband and I are into our third year of marriage.  We are facing many challenges, e.g. we are so incompatible, almost opposite in our personalities and our way of doing things is very different. More… Continue Reading


Frustrated: Help From Above

Dear Goldie, I work in an educational institution. I find it irksome and tedious coping with the slow, unresponsive students. Moreover, dealing with their demanding parents is irritating and exasperating. It is difficult for me to find another job. I need help to cope as I am becoming more and more frustrated. More… Continue Reading


Unity Brings Blessing

Dear Goldie, Short term mission trip. My church is organising a short term mission trip. My Pastor has appointed me to lead. How should I prepare my team? More… Continue Reading


Raising Children in the Faith

Dear Goldie,  My husband is a pastor and we live in the parsonage –  a fishbowl environment subjecting us to scrutiny by sometimes critical church members. Our children can’t help but see how we are sometimes treated unpleasantly and unfairly. We are very concerned that this negative influence will turn them against God. More… Continue Reading


Making a Family Gathering Better

Dear Goldie, We have Family dinners together every week. We enjoy ourselves but feel we can spend our time more meaningfully than just eating and gossiping. Our grandchildren are teens. Do you have any suggestions? More… Continue Reading


Is it Time to Go Full-Time?

Dear Goldie, I’m a Doctor in my 50’s. Of late, God has been impressing on me to serve Him more. Im not sure whether I should go to Bible School, become a full time pastor, continue to practise medicine and take up more responsibilities in the church, or what? How much should my circumstances, e.g. finances and family, effect my decision? More… Continue Reading


Migration – How Do You Decide

Dear Goldie, My Family has been contemplating migrating for various reasons but we cannot come to an agreement about when and where to go, whether my wife should go with the children (I still have my business here), how to release our church responsibilities (I’m a cell leader), and other family responsibilities (I’m partly supporting my parents). It seems such a big decision, so where do we start? Signed: Apprehensive

Dear Apprehensive, Continue Reading


Befriending Your Neighbours

Dear Goldie, We’ve just moved into a new neighbourhood and met a few neighbours. Some of them seem quite friendly and welcoming; others we find a bit inscrutable. How can we build good relationships with them, seeing we are going to live together for sometime to come. More… Continue Reading


One Comment

  1. August 2017 Feedback from readers for: Issue 32 Articles about: DEAR GOLDIE & TEK

    Dear Tek , Goldie …

    Thank you so much for your consistent and faithful desire to push back the darkness and bring forth the light of righteousness . This latest issue is one more fine example of your faithful and tireless efforts .

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