Humanism on the Prowl

Shocking consequences
by Tek Chong

Christians in Australia were unpleasantly jolted out of their complacency during the recent Government Same-sex Marriage Postal Vote Campaign. They are shaken by the vicious attacks launched by the ‘vote yes’ activists.  There was a massive outpouring of biased mass media articles and strong endorsement by popular sport superstars and pop artists.  Posted in the website of Australian Marriage Equality (their advocacy group) was a list of more than 180 supporting signatories from the corporate world including Australia’s big four banks, McDonald’s, KPMG, Qantas, Twitter, Telstra and Airbnb.

Some shocking news have also emerged. Death threats were sent to some Christian leaders; managers sacked their staff when they refused to solicit yes votes from customers. Violent street protests threatened churches who encourage their congregation to vote according to their biblical teaching. Parents hear reports from their children that they were ridiculed or threatened by their school mates and even teachers for opposing same-sex marriage.  Many Australian Christians fear they are no longer living in The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit.


This was a direct confrontational onslaught on Christianity staged by the Secular Humanism which claims that God is no longer necessary in the world. They assert God is merely an invention of mankind used to enslave weaker humans. As there is no God it is up to humans to take care of themselves by creating their own morals and lifestyles.

However present-day humanism goes further: they want not only to “free” mankind from ‘outdated religious ideas of a creator God’, they want to absolutely demolish the christian religion, because they assert religion is hindering the progress of human advancement.

According to secularism, these “progressives” maintain they have a new and better way of running the world. They want to liberate mankind from any trace of Christian morality and free people from religious “domination”. However, while doing this they want to dominate all others through their own man- made “religion” in which Man is god.


So how is secular humanism eroding the biblical foundation of Western Christian society? The Humanist Manifesto has mapped out a war plan to deliberately and intentionally wipe out Christianity in a subtle yet aggressive programme. The following are some of their strategies:

God: God must be declared dead and removed. God- believing people are to be marginalized. Those living according to Christian principles should be harassed and ridiculed as out- of- date bigots and extremists. The Christian God is to be completely kept out of public life. Any mention of God, His Word, public prayer, celebrations of Christmas and Easter are slowly being pushed out of the public square.

Children: Humanists lobbied for abortion in the name of human rights for mothers. This has resulted in the legalising of the killing of unwanted children. To date, 1.8 billion babies are murdered in just over 43 years.

Marriage and family: In the fight for same-sex marriage, Humanists claim they are championing for equal rights for the oppressed minority, but they have a far more sinister hidden agenda.  They intend to destroy the very foundation of society: the biblical based concepts of family and the rights of children to have both a biological mother and father. Homosexual ‘marriage’ has already been legalised in many countries in the West, with Australia currently facing the same possibility of parliament passing the law soon as the yes vote is secured.


First, we need to be aware that Christianity is under severe attack. It is happening not only in Australia; many western nations have had their Christian heritage eroded by the humanistic worldview. No nation is exempt. Christian watchmen must sound the battle call.

Secondly, we must understand our position of strength. In Old Testament times, Israel was surrounded by a mighty army ready to annihilate them. The wise prophet Elisha prayed that the Lord would open the eyes of his fearful servant and he could see the reality of the situation.  With his opened eyes the servant saw that surrounding the enemies was an even far more powerful band of the Lord’s Army. (2 Kings 6: 17)


Christianity can win if we obey the biblical injunction of using God’s divine weapons to “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”. (2 Corinthians 10:5)


We will explore some of these areas in our next issue in our blog, for those of you who can’t wait I recommend you buy the book:

The New Civic Religion by Dr Patrick Sookhdeo,

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9967245-9-3

Number of Pages: 200

“The New Civic Religion is a challenging, even prophetic, work. Sookhdeo shows how in the West humanism is replacing Christianity as the foundation for society. It is changing our legal system and education. Its moral principles or lack of them are being imposed by legislation. It likes to sound tolerant, but it tolerates everything except Christianity. Humanism has already penetrated the Church and is eroding its witness. Like a Biblical prophet Sookhdeo calls on Christians to see the problem and repent. Let us hope more attention is paid to him than to the prophets of old.” – Dr Gordon Wenham, emeritus professor of the University of Gloucestershire and tutor in Old Testament at Trinity College, Bristol, UK

Available at or



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