Then to our surprise , on one occasion while we were in our daily prayer time, the chorus of a hymn that I once sang came ringing in my mind:
Launch out, launch out into the deep. Let the shore line go…
By Tek Chong Launch Out Into the Deep
Let the shore line go
We were studying a bible passage in Luke 5. After allowing Jesus to use his fishing boat as a preaching platform on the shore of the Lake of Galilee, Simon the boat owner was challenged by Jesus to launch out into the deep and cast his nets for a catch. Simon was tired after a disappointing night of fishing. It was time for a rest and some rejuvenating sleep.
Now, is our Lord calling us to get into some thing more than what we have been doing ? Older but to do more ?
As we continue to pray about our unusual assignment, we feel that God is not wanting us to do more physical activities, but to go more into depth in the things we are already doing. Not to start more energetic exploits but to spend more time allowing Him to focus us on certain areas.
For Goldie, she feels God is calling her into a deeper relationship with Him, not a servant-master relationship but more of a father-child intimacy. She believes this love relationship will produce more fruit in her own life as well as the people she contacts.
In Tek’s case, he feels that God is calling him not to continue with his many activities on old familiar ground, but to go on to the next stage of passing on his experiences, lessons, skills to the next generation. He wants to share our accumulated blessings and resources and the lessons we have learned from Him in our family life, marketplace ministry, christian lifestyle inside and outside of the church walls, etc. and pass on this legacy to “faithful men who will be able to teach others also” 1 Tim.2:2. This will really be launching out into the deep. The reassuring thing is that Jesus is going out in the boat with us. END