Issue – 14

Mar 2016: issue: 14
A Word from Goldie. 

Dear Friends, continuing our new feature on the Family we have two articles on building relationships: one from a bride of one year (A Christian Bride) and one from a wife of 51 years (Nurturing family Relationships). See if you can find some common factors from them. Another theme for this issue is on remaining active, alert and fruitful in our autumn years:  Mummy Chia from Malaysia (Bringing Forth Fruit in Old Age), the elderly in Okinawa (Potpourri) and the remarkable 80 year Sarah Jones a pensioner with arthritis, walks with a cane, amazes audience with her athletic dancing. (80 year Old Dancing Queen) (Potpourri) are an inspiration for us to emulate.

We have added a new feature for more readers’ participation: Foto Fun – write a creative caption and share a good laugh. Do you recognize the couple? Please send in your funny photos.

Our regular Youth Forum features our grandson 19 year old university student Ryan Lian again, this time writing on a crucial issue for all Christians: the reliability of the New Testament documents.

Book Review features a Singaporean entrepreneur whom we met in London Emmanuel Church who just published his autobiography about his miracles in the marketplace.

Song Review As we promote and publicize local writers and books we also do the same for songs. We feature Tom Read, our nephew, a young pastor from Hong Kong who is now writing songs fulltime, living in London with his young family. He has produced many songs and we introduce him and his “Love is the weapon”. God bless, Tek & Goldie 

If you would like to receive our Newsletter regularly please subscribe on the Homepage. Thank you.

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“Nurturing family relationships” 1-spacer

by Goldie Chong

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Three generations go for an outing to bond together
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“Christian Bride”

by Esther Velez

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Learning submission, teamwork, decision-making from scratch
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“From atheism in China to Christ in Perth” 1-spacer

 by Sheng

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How an overseas student’s eyes were open to see the difference
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“Bringing Forth Fruit in Old Age” 1-spacer
Mummy Chia

by Goh Bee Lee

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Fulfilling the good works prepared before she was born.
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“Parthe* – what?” 

by Professor Aw Swee Eng

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How can Jesus be both God and Man?
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Canon Revisited” 

by Ryan Lian

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Can we trust the New Testament? 

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Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?

by Eternity Magazine

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Different views based on the Bible.
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“80 year Old Dancing Queen”

by the Editorial Team

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a pensioner with arthritis, walks with a cane, amazes audience.


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Captions Wanted


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Supply a caption for this photo/send in your selection

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Divine Encounters @ Marketplace

by Stanley Cheng

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Personal testimonies of a businessman

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Love is the Weapon

Composed by Tom Read

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SUBSCRIBE with US TODAY 1-spacer

Dear Goldie Magazine

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QUOTES 1-spacer

by Chua Wee Hian

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Busy, busy, busy

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Healthy Seniors
tips from Japanese elderly.

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Side Slapping Tales | Read Here
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Family Car of the Future | Watch

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“Our Planet Earth” 

by the Editorial Team

view here …

A Pictorial Story.

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“Amazing Facts” 
     F . Y . I     

By Chua Wee Hian

read here …

Brain Teasers.

To Blow Your Mind

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Whats on in Perth 1-spacer

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A free Non Denominational Web Portal for Christians in WA and beyond. Let us know about you next event let Perth Know What’s On. CIP Editor
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SoundingBoard 1-spacer

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A free Non Denominational Web Portal for Christians in WA and beyond. Submissions welcome , email your editorial for consideration. CIP Editor
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Free eNewspaper

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The World in Biblical Viewwill broaden your horizon, expand your worldview and help you understand the current times we are in. Subscribe and receive this absolutely free
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Dancing Queen
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v23. ” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
Love is a Weapon
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v24.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
Healthy Seniors
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v25.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
The Family Car 

[stextbox id=”black” caption=”~ See What Readers are Saying. ” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
feedback-00-gfx “Our Readers are Saying…”
» Susie Long « Adrienne Green Patrick Yeo
» Dawn Winkler « Sam & Liza Ding Annie Lao
» Sansan Sweeting « Irene Gan Denis Dutton
» Marilyn McCutcheon « Jagan Lay Hua
» Ellen & Cheng Lai Lim « Ann Wee
» Steve Oh «  Goh Bee Lee
Lets Hear From You
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v.11 Straining Toward the Goal v.12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. v.13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, v.14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 

Philippians 3:11-14 (ESV)