Issue – 17a

May 2016: issue: 17
A Word from Goldie. 

For several years we have been taking a team to Cambodia to minister in schools, orphanages, farms, businesses, churches, etc. At the end of April we will again go to Glad Tidings International School (founded by a church of the same name in Singapore) to train the teachers in different subjects. Tek and my responsibility is to prepare some teachers for marriage, giving them pre-marital teaching and counselling. Since we will be away we are publishing this issue before we leave.

Twenty years ago we knew Jason Wong when he was studying in Perth. We met again this year, eager to hear his remarkable story of how he founded a movement in Singapore which has won national recognition. We tell his story of the Yellow Ribbon Project which has Transformed the lives of prisoners.

A long-time friend in Hongkong Kathy Leung tells her story in the video From Hopeless to Hopeful as she celebrates her 50th anniversary of her baptism. Once a mental patient doomed to spend life in a mental hospital, she is delivered by prayer and fasting to lead a useful, fruitful like.

Margaret Court, well-known in Australia as the all-time tennis champion who now pastors a church in Perth shares her spiritual victories in More Exciting than winning Wimbledon. One such exciting victory is Jodie Jarvis an ex-drug addict who became a police officer now helping other addicts. Read about the chance meeting she had with the Perth mission’s team in Bringing the good news to outback Australia.

Other testimonies include my unexplainable re-appearance of my Lost Earring, an insignificant matter but it reveals the care of Father God.

Our connection with Dr Ong Hwee Keng was in Asian Beacon, a magazine we both poured our passion into. His love of writing has produced two books. We publish a chapter of his first book The Trade In to whet your appetite to read the whole book in our ebook section: An Ordinary Man’s Stories.

Laborers in different parts of God’s vineyard reach out in creative, innovative ways. Backpackers find much more when they come to Australia Seeking adventure because a church cared for them.

If you would like to receive our Newsletter regularly please subscribe on the Homepage. 


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“Transformed” 1-spacer

by Goldie Chong

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Prisons are where wrongdoers are punished and distanced but here we have someone in Singapore who believed prisoners, prisons and ultimately a society’s attitude can be changed.
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“From Hopeless to Hopeful” 1-spacer

by Kathy Leung

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A series of tragedies left her with no future but hope returned when someone cared enough to fight for her recovery.
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“Margaret Court” 1-spacer

by Tess Holgate “Eternity”

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Winner of four grand slams in one year says seeing people who are disappointed, discouraged, and sick, hurt, broken transformed and restored by Jesus is more exciting than winning Wimbledon.
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“Lost Earring” 1-spacer

by Goldie Chong

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Unexplainable how it was recovered, not once but several times.
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“The Trade In” 1-spacer

by Ong Hwee Keng

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Receiving a good deal himself made him pass it on to benefit someone else.
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“Seeking adventure, work, travel” 1-spacer

by Judy Low

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But finding Much More

An innovative ministry to meet the greatest need of homesick, lonely, friendless backpackers



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“Bringing the good news” 1-spacer

by Violet Njo Dickson

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God has started to work in Kellerberrin.
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“Theological study transforms life” 1-spacer

by Tek Chong

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A Bible school that trains marketplace ministers to be effective witnesses.
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“Christianity & Science”
“Objections to I D”

by Aw Swee Eng

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Not everyone believes creation is created by A Creator so they put forward their arguments against the Christian belief. See how a scientist answers them.

Great Thinkers:
A N Z A C:
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“Great Thinkers”
Wise Sayings

by Oswald Chambers

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This excerpt is taken from his book ‘My Utmost for His Highest’ a daily devotional was published in 1927 and since then has never been out of print. It has been translated into 39 languages.
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“The History of ANZAC Day” 1-spacer

by Christian History Research

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*Lest We Forget*
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Whats on in Perth 1-spacer

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A free Non Denominational Web Portal for Christians in WA and beyond. Let us know about you next event let Perth Know What’s On. CIP Editor
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SoundingBoard 1-spacer

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A free Non Denominational Web Portal for Christians in WA and beyond. Submissions welcome , email your editorial for consideration. CIP Editor
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“4CMiNews” 1-spacer

Free eNewspaper

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The World in Biblical Viewwill broaden your horizon, expand your worldview and help you understand the current times we are in. Subscribe and receive this absolutely free
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SUBSCRIBE with US TODAY 1-spacer

Dear Goldie Magazine

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The World in Biblical Viewwill broaden your horizon, expand your worldview and help you understand the current times we are in. Subscribe and receive this absolutely free
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It’s about the Cross
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v18. ” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
Love is a Weapon
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v19.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v20.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
Take Me from the Fire 

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feedback-00-gfx “Our Readers are Saying…”
» Susie Long « Adrienne Green Patrick Yeo
» Dawn Winkler « Sam & Liza Ding Annie Lao
» Sansan Sweeting « Irene Gan Denis Dutton
» Marilyn McCutcheon « Jagan Lay Hua
» Ellen & Cheng Lai Lim « Ann Wee
» Steve Oh «  Goh Bee Lee
Lets Hear From You
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v.11 Straining Toward the Goal v.12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. v.13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, v.14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 

Philippians 3:11-14 (ESV)