
Till we meet again

In the last few weeks, we farewelled several well-known Christian leaders like Ravi Zacharias & David Pawson who have gone home to their reward. I also farewelled a beloved long-time friend Jeanette Hui.

Jeanette Hui Continue Reading

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Don’t Let the Sun Go Down

A principle to live by By Michelle Koh Growing up, my family would often enjoy going on holidays together.  Some of my fondest memories I have are from our getaway adventures.  Back then, experiencing new things as a family was… Continue Reading

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Journeying With God

by  Bishop Emeritus Hwa Yung On the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of  Seminari Theologi Malaysia on  6 Jan. 2019   In our recent trip to Malaysia in August 2019, we came across a significant article written by the former… Continue Reading


Who do I really put first, Myself or…?

By Yogi Yung Ping See It was a new financial year and it’s time to lodge my tax returns. When I first got my income tax statement, I first looked at how much is my earning, next is to see… Continue Reading


From Sarawak To Perth

Door After Door Opened By Vincent Lai Vincent at left with his family Poor But Resourceful This is a story of a boy who grew up in Bintulu, an industrial town in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia who because of… Continue Reading


I have many Daddies

Love, encouragement, mentoring from the men in my life by Nancy Yu Remembering daddy I look like my dad – when we smile, our eyes cannot be seen. Daddy showed me unconditional and relentless love. Even though he knew it… Continue Reading

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Lessons from My Stroke

By Goldie Chong   Recently a minor stroke caused me to be hospitalised for about 4 weeks. While in hospital God said to me four times to rest. Reading my daily devotional Word for Today, three times the subject of rest was… Continue Reading


Are you Spreading Perfume?

By Tek Chong LOOK SICK FEEL SICK I was visiting Goldie every day while she was hospitalised for her post-stroke management. In Australia private patients are not required to wear hospital-issued garb so she insisted on changing her clothes every… Continue Reading


Doctor at sea

David Chong is Tek’s nephew who studied medicine at the University of Western Australia.  Continue Reading


Confessions of a stepmother

Catherine Marshall recorded the struggles of being stepmother to three young children. Continue Reading


A Life Well-lived

We celebrate the home-going of our beloved friend Chan Kok Beng of Penang. One of our highlights, when we visited Penang, several years ago, was to have fellowship with this humble man. Continue Reading

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Melaka Encounters

Divine Appointments, God Spoke And It Happened, A Lesson Applied, Seeing Fruit 50 Years Later, Perth Family’s Visit Melaka, supporters of Asian Beacon Luncheon, Fire Fire Meeting, & Self-deliverance.

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Setting yourself free can be done alone anytime and anywhere

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Open Your Hand Wide

Open Your Hand Wide to feed the poor

Christmas Party at OPEN HAND COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTRE, Melaka 2018 Continue Reading


Fire! Fire!

In Gateway BM Church, the whole church is taken on a cleansing and renewal exercise.

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Scalded By Hot Water

We met Sue and Danny in KL and was surprised they had just gone to Perth to speak in different Methodist churches including our Kingsway Methodist Church. Unfortunately, we did not meet them in Perth, but it was a divine appointment that we met them in KL and heard their many marvellous testimonies, one of which is… Scalded By Hot Water. By Sue Pang

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Connecting People & Ministries

We have been going to different short-term mission trips to Cambodia in the last five years and have opportunities to meet different people serving in different corners of God’s vineyard.  We appreciated their faithful sacrificial lives as missionaries, church planters, humanitarian workers, business men and women, etc. Because of their busy lives, we understood that these folks may not have met or got to know one another very well. So, we thought we would get them together and provide an opportunity for them to share their lives and ministries.

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Let the redeemed of the Lord say this…

Some phrases from sermons stick in my mind even after 50 + years, one of which was from Rev. Elkanah Suwito from Wesley Methodist Church when we lived in Melaka in the 1960’s. My Quiet Time recently reminded me of what he said about the need of those who have experienced God’s goodness to testify about it, give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever…let the redeemed of the Lord say this.’’ Ps. 107:2

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Missions trip to Cambodia

We were in Cambodia after Christmas on a short-term missions trip…

Emmanuel Community School Continue Reading


The Battle For Mr Ang’s Soul

‘’I enjoyed going to church because the people there were friendly and welcoming, so for seven years Mr & Mrs Lee came to my house to take me to church.  I was a regular church-goer but I had no intention of becoming a christian. I would never give up my loyalty to the Goddess of Mercy who has blessed me so much,”

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I couldn’t believe God would do a Miracle for me

For others, yes, but…… By Carol Lim MIRACLES – the Bible is full of them! My family experienced them, my friends received them, and many people I know have testified about them. As a Spirit-filled and Bible-believing Christian, I should… Continue Reading


Whether you call or not

Whether we call, or we forget to call, God is good. He knows our needs and He is Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides

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How do we view good or bad leaders?

We cannot pin our hopes on any person that he is going to be the saviour to solve our problems. We must remember he is only a human being with all the temptations that pressure him. Our comfort rests ultimately on God who is the one who is in control to raise or remove kings and leaders. Continue Reading

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I had nothing to do with it …

”We are going to mother’s funeral,” my husband Henry announced to me and the children. I was apprehensive because I knew it would be a traditional Chinese religious funeral with all the rituals and religious traditions.  I had recently become a Christian and was determined not to participate in the religious worship, but Henry did not have such strong beliefs.

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Anything & Everything ?

No satay…….. running out of medicine….

We experienced God’s amazing goodness and mercies in big and small things

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He didn’t become a pastor

He thought the way to serve God was going ‘full-time’ to be a pastor or church worker.

But God gave him the gift of helps and equipped him with the resources to do it.

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Mama Low a Pioneer In Nation-Building

Renewal of friendships from Melaka Wesley Methodist Church revealed an amazing facet of an old lady’s contribution not only to our church but our country

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Time and Again

In everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving…. try it in impossible situations!

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Living all of life to the fullest

Knowing how to invest life to get the best results. A professional woman struggled to choose between pursuing her much loved career and her young children. She realized she was able to enjoy both by focusing on different priorities in different seasons

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God has no grandchildren

Each person must encounter God to know that He is real. Chen Yoke May Sharing her experience of how her own grownup children retained their faith

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Just do it!

if I am willing, God will enable. He built up my self-confidence in things which I can’t imagine doing by teaching me line upon line, precept by precept

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Give away three lemons….and?

God is no man’s debtor is what I have proved repeatedly 

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Melaka here we come again

Divine appointment, sharing in different groups….

by Goldie Chong.

Dr Wong opening his home-grown durians for us. …. Continue Reading


My childhood in Malacca (Part 1)

Why I love my old hometown.

by Tek Chong

One of the things that have changed since 50 years ago. Continue Reading


Grief be Gone

Stories of healing from sadness & Grief.

by Charmain Sim

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The man behind the revivals

Charles Finney was the leader in the Second Great Awakening in the United States. He has been called The Father of Modern Revivalism Daniel Nash, a remarkable intercessor “I HAVE known people who prayed till they were soaked in sweat on… Continue Reading


An extremely late answer.

By Dr. Ong Hwee Keng I n my story “Long live the missionaries”, I mentioned Ursula Kohler and Irene Neville, who came to Serdang as missionaries in 1952. They had spent time studying Chinese until they could read the Chinese Bible. Upon their arrival… Continue Reading

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Super Bug Buster

By Goh Bee Lee In an age where children, and even adults, are fascinated by superheroes, whether on screen or in real life, we now hear of superbugs. They too seem to want their place on the world stage. But… Continue Reading


Super Bug’s father’s Testimony

”Shu Lam’s father’s testimony” First appeared in Asian Beacon Oct.2009.  Used by permission of Asian Beacon Continue Reading


A change of perspective

From tragedy to blessing By Richard Tok Differently endowed Dr and Mrs Lam Pan Nam had three daughters, Xin Jie went to Harvard, Shu Jie became an award-winning scientist, but Hui Jie was born with cerebral palsy who needed special… Continue Reading


What Got Me That Job

Hard work, Coincidence or divine help By Eddie Cheng At the end of 2016 I finally finished university. Thank God for that. I graduated with a B. Comm & B. Econ majoring in accounting/finance/economics. Time to look for a job. While… Continue Reading


I saw, I believed

Christianity became clear when demonstrated in the lives of believers. By Sharon Huang Continue Reading


A Mother’s Prayer

Far from home, in a new country, new environment, new language, she found her mother’s God. By Liu Yuge Continue Reading


I had an endless list

Can so many sicknesses be treated? By Jackie Paxton Continue Reading


Just call me the sting

A potentially deadly episode turned into a funny story. By Jack Chia Continue Reading

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From village boy to research scholar

He did not follow his father’s footsteps to become a butcher. By Xianjun Xia Continue Reading

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A Widow’s Reflection

“A widow’s reflection” Continue Reading


Lovers for 53 Years

Tek & Goldie share what contributed to their long-lasting friendship. Continue Reading

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God is Full of Surprises

When God takes away, He gives back even more. Continue Reading


I lost all my Savings to Phone Scams

Lessons in knowing God’s character-forming strategy in her life. Continue Reading

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I am concerned about food

God knows my concerns and speaks to me regarding Left Overs them. Continue Reading


Friends from Batu Pahat

The Tok Family’s contributions in church and community. Continue Reading

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Life goes on without him but with HIM

Adjusting to widowhood with new vision, reaching out to others.

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Healed Beyond Doctors’ Medical Knowledge

Going through the surgery, hospital admission, tests and scans, I have no recollection whatsoever of what happened in those three months. Continue Reading


Missing Passports

We marvelled, not so much that the passports were found but the process of finding them. Continue Reading


Out of Darkness

I decided to find my purpose and destiny in life from God because He knows why He created me. Continue Reading

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The Ching 程 Dynasty Reunion

Tek & Goldie’s family reunions which started with our parents continue to today with three generations gathering in London.
. By Tek & Goldie Chong Continue Reading


Adventure in the Sky

People still need God. It’s a matter of seizing the right opportunity to point them to Him.
. By Violet Njo Dickson Continue Reading


Celebration of life at a Living Funeral

An unusual event which brought mentors and mentored together after 30 years. Truly new friends are silver but old friends are gold.
. By Tek & Goldie Chong Continue Reading


Different people remember Renald Ching

Remembering Renald Ching as father, relative, doctor, pioneer, musician. Continue Reading


Till we meet again

Fare-welling two loved ones By Tek & Goldie Chong Some years ago, he was diagnosed with a blood vessel aneurysm in his brain. Taking the option of a very delicate operation (or leaving the time-bomb which may erupt any time),… Continue Reading

Wee Hian Feature 01

An unforgettable Adventure

Three generations cruising to Alaska Continue Reading


I don’t like funerals

Death comes sooner or later. Are we prepared? Continue Reading

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I was not disappointed

From a youth with inadequacies, poor self-image, fearful to headmaster Continue Reading


A Spark

One young girl prayed the whole family into the Kingdom Continue Reading


The Girl in the Picture in Vietnam

Anyone who who lived through the Vietnam War period remembers the girl in the picture. The picture captures a terrible moment, while also raising a poignant question. Continue Reading


Our Malaysia Trip (April)

Enjoying speaking opportunities, seeing new ministries, eating favourite foods… Continue Reading


The Story Behind going to Kuching

He was determined to go but she wasn’t Continue Reading

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There and Back Again

A domestic helper returns to reach other migrant workers By Rose* When I travelled to Taiwan in 2011 with two seminary students on a short-term visit, our aim was to find out about OMF Taiwan’s work and to see the opportunities for… Continue Reading


An idol free home

Without conflict, urging, persuasion, her desire was fulfilled Continue Reading

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New Life in Asian Beacon

Now in a new environment, the only Malaysian Christian magazine that has a govt. printing licence is back in business Continue Reading


Going to Kuching Family Camp

She wanted confirmation Continue Reading


Two Frightening Tales of Drive and Fly

We cannot control what happens By Timothy Teo Continue Reading


My Way of Serving

An unusual target of ministry By Tung Yin Leong . Continue Reading


Our trip to Kuching*

Highlights of ministering in a new city. By Tek & Goldie Chong Continue Reading


All in the Family

How Penny saw Emily back home with a precious gift. By Penny Chong Continue Reading

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All Along The Journey

Good friends, co-workers, fellow believers, they walked together By Sim ai Hiong. Continue Reading

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How to Preach the Good News at Your Wedding

A Christian funeral is usually an opportunity to share the good news of heaven and eternal life. What about a wedding? This couple used their happy day to demonstrate. By Matthias Lee Continue Reading


Results of cooperation

Haixia is blind and Wenqi had both of his arms amputated when he was 3 years old. Between them they have already planted more than 10,000 trees. Continue Reading


The Global Gathering in Jerusalem

In humility she prepared to meet God in Israel Continue Reading


From maid to missionary

Singaporean Christian employers who sowed the seed and reaped the harvest Continue Reading


People I admire – Overcoming Her Handicap

Crippled in the Vietnamese war she reached the Olympics Continue Reading


5 Women Every Christian Should Know

From Katharina Luther, who escaped a convent and became a radical reformer, to Amanda Berry Smith, an itinerant minister who was born a slave, these 5 women changed history. Continue Reading


Here I am in Melaka again

By Tek Chong

Many things have changed but good friends are still the good friends we love Continue Reading


The Doubles Club

by Yuen Wee Mee

How several graduate couples prepared for the greatest adventure of their lives Continue Reading


Our Malaysia trip

By Goldie Chong
God is teaching us all the time.
It is up to us to learn the lessons Continue Reading

KB Chan Feature 01

Caged but Free

Suddenly In 1994, God took me to the back part of the desert when my kidneys failed and I had to start dialysis. Those were the years of lonely wilderness experience where God began to empty me. God started to… Continue Reading


Delivered and Healed

Psalm 107 vs.20 He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Continue Reading


Count your blessings, Name them one by one

By Tek Chong Recently we received Christmas newsletters from dear friends. Some of them are from friends of long ago. Many have beautiful stories. We have permission to post some. This one is from Ernest Lam. My friendship with Ernest… Continue Reading


Two Babies

A little orphan had finds someone who would never abandon nor abuse him someone who would stay with him – for always. the lesson to be learnt is that it’s not what you have in your life, but Who you have in your life that counts. Continue Reading


The Last Post

If any of you have ever been to a military funeral ‘The Last Post’ is played. It’s the song that gives us the lump in our throats and usually tears in our eyes. But, do you know the story behind… Continue Reading

Hanyi Hong feature

Mafia Boss, Drug Dealer, Gangster Turned Pastor

A Hongkong underground gangster, drug dealer, womanizer, illegal businessman resisted Jesus time and again. Now he has started a church in Taiwan to reach gangsters. (in Cantonese) Continue Reading


I left my heart in Nepal

Felicia is a member of Melaka Taman Asean Methodist Church ( a church-plant of Wesley Methodist church) in which the Nepalese ministry is under.  Her passion for the Nepalese ministry was ignited in early 2008 upon a chance encounter of a couple of Nepali men who had to walk back to their hostel under the blazing afternoon sun. I stopped my car and gave them a lift and since then she decided that she could contribute in a small way by providing the needful transportation to them. Continue Reading


My First Taste of Nepal

By Lim Ai Leng It was Pastor Danny’s fourth trip to Nepal but it was the first time for the rest of us, namely Felicia Kwong, Khai Chew, Catherine Chiew and myself. We had been toying with the idea since… Continue Reading


“Living Funeral/Celebration of Life”

Its much better to say these good things while someone is still alive to hear them rather than be oblivious lying in a coffin. Read More… Continue Reading


Patients get more than Medical Treatment

Melaka Gateway Bahasa Church reaches out providing wholistic care By Goldie Chong We were invited to speak in Gateway Bahasa Church in Melaka a mission -minded church led by three lady pastors. At dinner we met Lamtarida from Duri, Indonesia… Continue Reading


Danny’s 5th Missionary Journey

During our trip to Melaka in Oct.2016 we met our old friend Danny Chiew whom we remember fondly as a little boy who tagged along with his older brother Benny and sister Catherine. Now Danny is a graduate of a… Continue Reading


Well-planned Departure

Home-going is not Mourning but Celebrating By Goldie Chong Li was a young woman at the height of her career, a well-respected tax consultant. Then her world collapsed. She was diagnosed with a fast growing bone cancer. She determined to… Continue Reading


Choosing Your Epitaph

By Goldie Chong We visited Tek’s parent’s graveyard during our stay in Melaka and noticed various epitaphs engraved on the tombstones. I recall having chosen my epitaph years ago but I do not think I need it anymore. The reason… Continue Reading


Two Funerals with Happy Endings

Goodwill is generated when Christians rally round the grieving family. Continue Reading


Walking through the Valley of the Shadow

Hope and Comfort Assured By Goldie Chong Around the dinner table with friends from the Melaka Full Gospel Businessmen’s fellowship, the topic of funerals stirred up a lively discussion. Kristen Low related when her mother-in-law was dying she helped her… Continue Reading


Unforgettable Experiences in Nepal

By Catherine Chiew Catherine sharing (centre)                                                        When my brother Danny asked me if I would like to go to Nepal on the mission trip, I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, I would be very happy to see… Continue Reading


2016 Vice-President Mark Pence on his Faith

2016 Vice President Elect. Mark Pence CHRISTIAN, CONSERVATIVE & REPUBLICAN. in that Order. Continue Reading


2016 Vice-President Mark Pence on his Stand on Israel.

2016 Why we Stand for and With Israel... Jerusalem the Capital of Israel Continue Reading


A word from Goldie Nov. issue 23

After celebrating Tek’s birthday with our family reunion in Perth in August in which all our daughters (From China, London and Perth) with their children were all present (except one son-in-law) we celebrated it again with a private tour of Taiwan with Tek’s 5 remaining siblings and their spouses. READ MORE …. Continue Reading


Hang around the right people

We’ve known Wee Hian and King Ling for 50 years since Malaysia days.  We worked together to write the book “Lovers for Life” in 1971. We’ve kept our friendship going over different continents and meet up regularly to stimulate and… Continue Reading


The Father God Wants Me to Be

Following His instructions is the way By Tek Chong I was brought up in a Chinese non- Christian family so the Bible teaching on husbands and fathers was new to me. “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands …..For the… Continue Reading


A Year of Blessings and Struggles

So many continuing difficulties and hardships! 2011 was no different.  Struggles overcoming heavy burdens, work increasingly stressful and unfulfilling…. I struggled to continue to fight so many battles and was so exhausted that I came close to walking away into… Continue Reading


My Father, My Hero

Treasured blessed memories By Ai Hiong Sim My father Ling Mook Siew migrated to Malaya from Mainland China before the Second World War and settled in Kampong China, Sitiawan where he built a wooden house for the family. Behind was… Continue Reading

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Back from the Dead

A testimony to the fact that miracles happen today. By Dr Philip Lyn God warns us August 26th 2002. This was the day the Lyn family’s life changed. At morning devotion, God dropped the words of Ps 118:17 into my… Continue Reading

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The Joy of knowing Christ

Through a Christian employer  By Donacel Macurubbo Turingan I am one of the Filipinos who left her country to work as a domestic helper in a foreign land, Singapore. At that time I did not take my religion seriously and… Continue Reading


Before and After

Lessons learnt at our youth camp By Andrew Chen Anticipating  Having spent the year organising with a camp committee led by my good friend Esther, there was huge anticipation of what was to come. Throughout the year we were continually… Continue Reading


A Little Boy is Run Over

  David Sibley wrote this letter to Joe Teakle who was in a car accident in Perth at the time when Dr Philip Lyn spoke in Perth Prayer of his daughter Sarah’s accident in Malaysia* Dear Joe, When I think… Continue Reading


Investing in the next generation

Shaping the Next Generation of Christian Leaders By Stephen Ng When 15-year-old Ethan Jitt first attended the Scripture Union Youth Bible Conference, he had not read the book of Judges in the Old Testament. However, after the one-day seminar held… Continue Reading


Reconciling Yourself to the Fact of Sin

By Oswald Chambers Not being reconciled to the fact of sin—not recognizing it and refusing to deal with it—produces all the disasters in life. You may talk about the lofty virtues of human nature, but there is something in human… Continue Reading


How my Grandmother became a Christian.

Later when my father started his own business in Malaya in the town of Malacca, he sent for his mother to join him. So she came and lived in a totally unfamiliar land. But she became our beloved grandmother and… Continue Reading

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It only takes a spark

Teenager I was a 14- year old kid with nothing to do during the December school holidays. Irene and Peter had started a church called Fettes Park Baptist church. It was located on a corner shop lot and they started… Continue Reading


A Fall in a Shopping Centre

It can’t be more timely By May Lo    back to the Homepage Also in this issue:


Gabe Adams Story

Video Clip of The remarkable Gay Adams, 12-year old boy born in Brazil without  limbs, adopted by American parents. and links to news article Feb 2006 “Brave’ teen with no arms or legs inspires family, classmates on the dance floor'” Continue Reading


Forty Years in the Wilderness

By Mike Teo Incredibly slim change. My eleven siblings and I were raised in a hokkien family that worshipped Chinese gods and ancestors. We were not permitted to follow any other religions. I can remember each morning, I would wake… Continue Reading


Saved on September 11

I was given a second chance By M.K.Tong September 11 2001 is a date etched in my memory. It was a Tuesday morning when I was working on a business project for a banking consortium in the head office in… Continue Reading


Why I want to be baptised

Background You may think that not eating my lunch isn’t such a big deal, but when you have ham sandwiches every single lunch for the past year and counting, you obviously want some variety. So I threw my sandwiches away… Continue Reading


Re-affirmed: Baptismal Vows Anniversary

An unusual experience with photographic proof By Ben Chua One year ago today, I re-affirmed my baptismal vows. I was christened[1]Infant baptism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant_baptism as a baby and confirmed[2]Confirmation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant_baptism#Confirmation at the age of thirteen, so I suppose you could say this was… Continue Reading


Continuing to be Sustained

Committing to walk in obedience through baptism  By Angie Tong Growing up in a non-Christian home I did not know anything about God. When I was 20, my colleague invited me to the Billy Graham crusade where I was moved… Continue Reading


A Life changing decision in Perth

Returning home with new purpose and meaning By Cyrus Liu I knew nothing about Christ prior to moving from China to Australia for my studies in 2005. In the first week of my arrival in Perth, I was invited by… Continue Reading


Maureen Gan’s Story

Fulfilling a childhood desire By Lim Ai Leng Tek and I visited Melaka our hometown in May this year and attended our old church Wesley Methodist Church on a Sunday where we met many old friends. We were happily surprised… Continue Reading


Manna in the Desert of Magazine Publishing

“Sometimes I want to give up, said Linat Tiv of Cambodia. “I complain to God like Moses, but every time God provides.” At our LittWorld 2015 conference, Linat described her desert journey in magazine publishing. The petite 35-year-old mother of… Continue Reading


A Father’s Choice

1924 Eric Liddell was immortalized in the film “Chariots of Fire” on his uncompromising stand on his Christian principle of not running on a Sunday. Olympian Bill Havens made a similar stand. He was faced with a difficult decision of going to Paris with the team or staying at home to be with his wife who was expecting their first baby. Continue Reading


I call him DAD

By Adrienne Green    back to the Homepage

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Adios*, till we meet again Dear Dad

Twenty one years ago on 15 June, 1995 my dad left on his final journey because he obtained his visa just in time Jesus Christ who forgave him his sins and made him fit for heaven. Continue Reading


Every child Needs a Dad

How “Dads for Life” was pioneered by Jason Wong By Goldie Chong Broken families In his 20 + years in the Singapore Prisons Service (Ministry of Home Affairs) and Rehabilitation & Protection Division (Ministry of Social and Family Development), Jason… Continue Reading

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My Journey as a Father

By Jason Wong As a father I can only do my best but I always ask God for wisdom, patience, and perseverance in fathering my children because I realize what I do and how I spend my time with my… Continue Reading


A tribute to my mother Louise

By Goldie Chong Interviewed by the Perth Post on her 100th birthday On her 100th birthday, a newspaper reporter asked the secret of Louise’s longevity.  She replied, “Forgive everyone and don’t be a busybody”. Indeed she lived by this motto… Continue Reading


Bringing the Good News to Outback Australia

God has started to work in Kellerberrin Continue Reading

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Prisons are where wrongdoers are punished and distanced but here we have someone in Singapore who believed prisoners, prisons and ultimately a society’s attitude can be changed. Continue Reading


Seeking adventure, work, travel but finding much more

An innovative ministry to meet the greatest need of homesick, lonely, friendless backpackers Continue Reading


From Hopeless to Hopeful

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Lost earring

Unexplainable how it was recovered, not once but several times. Continue Reading


More exciting than Winning Wimbledon

Winner of four grand slams in one year says seeing people who are disappointed, discouraged, and sick, hurt, broken transformed and restored by Jesus is more exciting than winning Wimbledon. Continue Reading


Unexpected in 15 seconds

The unexpected event yesterday all happened very quickly, a max of 15 seconds at most, though it seemed to take ages as if it was happening in slow motion… Continue Reading



The sound of fire trucks whizzing past caused our car to stop for them to pass at the traffic lights junction. We were on our way home after lunch out. “Wonder where’s the fire?” I asked. Continue Reading


Reminiscing about contentment in simplicity

  Not what I had but my attitude to it By Sim Ai Hiong   I remember back in the 1940s life was very different from now. I don’t think it’s a matter of my life being “backward” as some… Continue Reading

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A Christian bride

Building on a firm foundation By Esther Velez  I got married last year at the age of 62 after 31 years as a wife and 5 years as a widow. I knew things were going to be different this time… Continue Reading


From atheism in China to Christ in Perth

First contact The first christian I met was a student, a senior in my university. She tried to share her faith with me. Her approach was direct: ‘Do you wish to know more about Christianity?’ She ask me to join… Continue Reading


Bringing forth fruit in old age

                                               Mummy Chia  fulfils the good works prepared for her                … Continue Reading


My Husband

Ai Hiong is a regular contributor to our website. She was a teacher and a Christian education worker in Malaysia & Singapore before migrating to Perth.


A Comfortable Home for our seniors

 Melaka AgapeCARE ACE HOME 2 opened By A. Jagan Anandan The launching of the 2nd ACE Home of the AgapeCARE Society was on 21st  November 2015


The Stars and the Trees

                                             God’s will for us in eternity                        … Continue Reading


Blind Girl opens People’s Eyes

To see God’s work in her handicap By Widjaja and Mie Lie Limawan with Goldie Chong Dark future “Your daughter owes a lot. She has to pay her debt.  The curse cannot be broken any other way,” the fortune teller’s… Continue Reading

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Fight a Good fight

With the right approach, conflicts in marriage can be constructive By Tek & Goldie Chong “You’ve been married for so long, you surely must have sorted out your differences by now,” our friend expressed disbelief on hearing that Tek and… Continue Reading

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One By One….

Unfortunately he met with hostile treatment by the officials United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Bangkok. Because he was a Christian they deliberately put him far behind the normal queue. Continue Reading

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HT Long the Malaysian Elvis Presley

The king serves his King By Tek & Goldie Chong HT in Oikos Fellowship 2014, Perth We first met HT Long many years ago in Wesley Methodist Church in Segamat, Malaysia.  

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I was hurt and offended…

How God taught me to deal with it By Esther Tan  Adopted “You are not our real daughter,” my parents told me when I was 12 years old.  Those words rang in my ears like a death knell and left a… Continue Reading


He Called Me to Build a School

Mrs Teresa Tay lives in Perth and is a popular speaker in many countries. Here she shares how God called her to start a major project in Cambodia How Emmanuel Community School came into being By Teresa Tay His assignment… Continue Reading


Arm Chair Missions

 The mission field is just a short letter away By Dr Andrew Kam Small beginnings When I was asked if I could correspond with Bill, a Chinese prisoner in Thailand in 2005, God touched my spirit. From then on I… Continue Reading


Zion Praise Harvest Church goes to Cambodia

Zion team went to Emmanuel in 2014 Zion team 2016   Twenty young and old members will be going to experience God in an exciting adventure in Phnom Penh from 31 Dec.-10 Jan. Ministering to primary school students and teachers,… Continue Reading


Out Of the Wilderness

Found, lost, found By Alex Leong As far back as I can remember, I was taught about God and the Bible at home and in Sunday school. As I grew up, I attended the youth group and then moved on… Continue Reading


I was in prison and you visited me

They obey Jesus’ command to bring good news to Thai prisoners    By Marilyn McCutcheon  Our motivation “Why do we bother to come 5500 kms from Perth?” we ask. Usually a few prisoners put up their hands and say “Phra Jiauw”… Continue Reading


The Christmas Goose was not Cooked

Instead something more tasty was offered  By Tek Chong An unofficial urgent notice was circulated to all the Bible Study groups of the different halls. All undergrads of the University of Hong Kong were divided into different halls. In almost… Continue Reading


A Song in the Night

                                     A Song in the Night                I can sing in the day and I can also sing in the night                                                                                          By Pastor KB Chan                                                 I was working in a bank for 23 years when I felt… Continue Reading


Bedeviled by my Wife’s Dementia

Douglas Groothuis, professor of philosophy in Denver Seminary exposes his feelings of torment about his wife’s gradual sinking into dementia As he witnessed his wife a gifted writer and editor, being bedeviled by a bevy of chronic illnesses, each year… Continue Reading


My Mountain was removed

                                                                   When I dealt with the blockage  … Continue Reading


I handed Him my Steering Wheel

When I was still driving how can I blame Him?                                                                      By Tek Chong Studying in Hong Kong University I stayed in May Hall. Wednesday nights our hostel mates had our Bible study. This group was the highlight of my week.… Continue Reading


How Long, Lord?

       When I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel…..  By Sim Ai Hiong Have you ever been sick or unwell for a period of time? Have you ever asked God “ Lord, how long will it be… Continue Reading


Treasures in darkness

By Alison Tang Experiencing God’s grace and intimacy Recently I was in Singapore undergoing six months of chemotherapy treatment. I was diagnosed with Autoimmune disease, connective tissue diseases, interstitial lung disease and Reynaud’s Phenomenon. What is Autoimmune Disease? There are… Continue Reading

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I was a student in Perth

                                                                          Learning valuable, precious experiences By David Lee In 2001 I arrived in Perth airport after midnight and was left stranded.  The university had forgotten to pick me up and I had no local coins to make a phone call. … Continue Reading

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Get out of the Boat

 By Kwong Tek & Goldie Chong Costly offering We recently received a book through the post called “Moving the Hand of God” in which the author explained that if we are really desperate for God to answer our prayer, our… Continue Reading


Cancer is a Word Not a Sentence

Cancer is a word, not a sentence Facing recurrence with peace By Andrew Yung with Goldie Chong “Acetylcholine”, Teresa volunteered. “My lecturer in nursing class was amazed I knew about neuron-transmitters because he has not yet taught this.”  Teresa laughed,… Continue Reading


Moving On

Poem: Countless times I’ve been crushed to tears, Time passed by, some relationships fail, It is now time to sing a new song more.. Continue Reading

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A Light in the Marketplace

A missionary who need not go to other countries as people from all countries come to him By Goldie & Tek Chong                                                                                                                                                                    Different We noticed the difference. All the staff at Himawari Hotel Apartments in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, were… Continue Reading


Facing Barrenness

                                                             Inez and David learn through a painful wilderness By Inez… Continue Reading


Hot pot Lunch

                   All things work together for good even in the course of disaster                                                                                               By Cristal Chong                                                                    Explosion To give them a treat, one Saturday I invited my college students Nancy and Smile for a hot pot steamboat lunch.… Continue Reading


An Ex-principal meets Cambodian Teachers

By Lee Bun Chuan & Siew Sim I have gone on mission trips before but Cambodia was never in my mind. Since I retired about a year and six months ago, I am seeking the Lord on the areas that… Continue Reading


Divine Appointments

                                  We could not have arranged it but He did By Peter Chee When we decided to join Dr Chong and Goldie for the mission… Continue Reading


Mission Trip is on My Bucket List

By Dynah Chang I lead an extremely busy life. Between my work, family and friends I have little time to do God’s work. But I was determined to make this trip to Cambodia. I needed the food for my soul.… Continue Reading

Cambodia Missions Trip 30 Aug. – 5 Sept. 2015

Cambodia Missions Trip   By Goldie Chong Introducing our team We went on the invitation of Ms Violet Khor the principal of Glad Tidings International School (GTIS) in Kampung Speu to do a week of biblical values on different topics… Continue Reading


The pull of Cambodia

                             Each visit is worthwhile By May Wong “What…you are going to Cambodia again?” remarked a friend. “How many times have you been there?” I have been… Continue Reading


Alone or lonely?

                         Make your choice By Sim Ling Ai Hiong “Do you ever get lonely?” a friend asked me over the phone one day. “Sometimes” I replied. I recall the… Continue Reading


Missions trip to Melaka 21 – 29 Aug. 2015

Before we arrived in Melaka we had only two meetings lined up for our team which consisted of: our daughter Cristal who teaches English in China, Peter & Herlina Chee, retired real estate agents from Perth and Sharon Tan Pastre,… Continue Reading


Out of his poverty….he gave all he had

 By Connie Tiborc I like to make scones and distribute them amongst the homeless in the area where they usually congregate. One such day it was 6pm and I had two scones left, but my blood sugar was dropping and… Continue Reading


It took a Mission Trip to Reveal

                  Something that needed to be dealt with By Cristal Chong Going to Melaka my hometown is always something I look forward to. I left Melaka when I was 10 years old… Continue Reading

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Third Time to Cambodia By Wong May Tuck

Our journey to Cambodia started on Sunday, 30th August when our team of seven met at the departure lounge in KLIA2. We had come from Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and Perth, some of us meeting for the first time, to travel and work together as one team for the next 7 days. more… Continue Reading


Melaka Missions Trip

In Melaka 22-29 Aug. 2015 Our team consisted of: Peter & Herlina Chee from Perth, retired real estate agents, our daughter Cristal Chong lecturing in China, Sharon Tan Pastre, entrepreneur/missionary from Philippines, Goldie & Tek Chong.  We all met in… Continue Reading


Mission Trip is on My Bucket List By Dynah Chang

By Dynah Chang I lead an extremely busy life. Between my work, family and friends I have little time to do God’s work. But I was determined to make this trip to Cambodia. I needed the food for my soul.… Continue Reading


Interesting people we met in Cambodia

Using their gifts to serve God and man By Goldie Chong Esther Ding We met up with Esther Ding for breakfast in our hotel on our first day in Cambodia on 31 Aug. Esther has just celebrated her 20th year… Continue Reading

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Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness: A Warm Blanket  | Not enough?  Let me…..” | An intentional donation! Continue Reading


The Night of the Long Knives

It was a night of terror. On that night in July 1934  Hitler sent his Nazi storm troopers to carry out a political massacre. Hundreds of Germans and Jews were murdered, many were his enemies, others were his personal friends. That was the night his horrendous Nazi Regime started.  Historians called it the Night of the Long Knives. More… Continue Reading



Life was pretty good,  I had a great family, a good husband, two lovely twin boys, a new baby girl and a great career as a pharmacist. I had my life mapped out for the next ten years. Little did I know a major turn was around the corner. More… Continue Reading


Step by Step I found Him

I wanted to be a Christian and after the cry to Jesus on Taryna’s behalf and His answer, I know for sure that Jesus Christ is the Saviour. Jesus declared,I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” Jn 14:6. I was sure that Jesus is alive because he hears and He answers us when we cry out to Him. More… Continue Reading


Fluffy balls

Finding delight in simple pleasures, I’m reminded that when I feel weary, cold and down, I can just curl up and rest in Your love – for You are my Sheltering Tree. More… Continue Reading


Through God’s eyes

Mind-boggling relativities and paradoxical comparisons, Although I feel terrible and inadequate, that I have fallen short of people’s and even my own expectations, God knows when I have done my best and that’s what counts with Him. More… Continue Reading


Jaw Cancer

After several tests, x-rays and scans, the doctors classified my case as 4th (final) stage oral cavity cancer, because the tumor was about 3-4cm in size. If surgery was performed, it would give me a 60% chance of living for a further five years. For a moment I felt my world caved in…but  I felt grateful that I knew Jesus and I had to trust Him to heal me. More.. Continue Reading


Believing the book of Genesis

We read books with a background of worldviews and personal opinions gathered over a lifetime. If I wish to understand Genesis I need to approach it with an open mind. More… Continue Reading


Right town, right time, right people

Who could have orchestrated this event…. a holiday trip to Malaysia my daughter Kim and her friend were looking forward to for some time. However, it did not get off to a good start. More… Continue Reading


“What if….”

So many things could have gone wrong. What if…. it did. “I realized my carry-on bag which contained our passports and money was missing”. More… Continue Reading


Going Through Chemo

My ordeal began in the first week of January with the discovery of two lumps on my right breast. A series of tests and investigations were carried out revealing and confirming the dreaded “C” word in its 2nd stage. A right breast mastectomy was done followed by an intense 12 weeks of chemotherapy. More… Continue Reading


You and Your Household

My parents were staunch, devout Taoists. When I became a Christian at a youth camp, I repeatedly claimed the promise the Lord gave in Acts 16:31. Coupled with this were assurances from Jer. 24:7 and 2 Cor. 10:5. More… Continue Reading


Accidents! Almost!

Terrifying close shaves. I started to have stomach pain on the bus which had no toilet, I didn’t tell Tek. I only said I needed to go, In agony I wondered how I could last until Melaka which was one hour away.  I kept praying and commanding my stomach to stop churning. More… Continue Reading


Home. I’m Home

I went back to our home church Wesley Methodist Church. The familiar Youth Centre is now renovated & renamed the Ranger Hall. I paid a visit to the parsonage. But it is no longer Rev Suwito there; a much younger man  Rev. Andrew Lim is the pastor and the parsonage is now the church office. More… Continue Reading



The cry of Christians that echoed throughout the centuries. More… Continue Reading


Our Desperate Need

in those days it was common to have orphans as a sort of servant girl cum adopted daughter. She has been with the family taking care of four generations until now in her 80s she still serves faithfully and cheerfully.  She loves it when the family members return to the ancestral home in Melaka. More… Continue Reading

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Sowing And Reaping

I was a volunteer teacher who taught the form 5 school certificate exam subject, doing Luke and Acts. Nellie told me she was not a christian while in school but after she got married one day she met with a serious accident. It was then that she remembered some of the scriptures that she had learnt and that helped her to believe in Jesus and become a christian. More… Continue Reading


Autumn Leaves Start To Fall

One of the topics we shared with senior groups on our trip is “When Autumn leaves start to fall” motivating, inspiring retirees not only to enjoy themselves in their retirement years but to continue to complete the “good works which God has prepared for them More… Continue Reading


The power of Jesus’ Name

In my early adulthood I was a very serious student and follower of Kyokushinkai Kan. More… Continue Reading


She Has Never Gone Back

Kay Furey was from the UK.  She fought in World War II in Egypt and met her husband a New Zealander and moved to New Zealand after the war.  They had 3 sons and when they were still very young, she contracted cancer. More… Continue Reading


His part and My Part

Michelle and her family from Melaka visited us in Perth last year. Here she shares her personal experience of the process of her healing from depression, encouraging others who are going through the same. More… Continue Reading


Divine Connection

It seemed it is God’s divine appointment to connect all of us. More… Continue Reading


An Awesome God

wise person once said that you are closer to God when you are horizontal than when you are vertical. More… Continue Reading


My earliest knowledge of God

During my childhood I recall a day being outside in the back yard. I gazed up into the sky and its appearance seemed to engulf me like being swallowed up in the rich blue clear sky. Losing the sense of all my immediate surroundings and having this overwhelming sense Jesus was coming back to earth. More… Continue Reading


I was faithless but He is faithful

My doctor told me the bad news that it was very likely to be cancer of the pancreatic head. I broke down and cried. More… Continue Reading


Personal Encounters with Elkanah Suwito

How one life, simply lived, can impact generations to come long after moving on to eternity. More… Continue Reading


Remembering our pastor

We loved Rev. Suwito, He was our pastor for many years in Melaka. His sermons were simple – unlike many of the sophisticated crafted religious 3- point essays that some pastors love to present. More… Continue Reading


Wedding bells for Jose and Esther

The old Esther has passed and I am a new creation in Christ, who is my Healer and Saviour. This new personal relationship with Jesus has brought countless divine connections and appointments. More… Continue Reading

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A Spiritual Makeover

A widow experiences beauty for ashes More… Continue Reading


Found: A Godly Wife

A  Book launched in Kuala Lumpur, called “Ever Blessing, Ever Blessed”. It is about his wife King Ling whom he credits, “I couldn’t have done what I did without her.” More… Continue Reading


The Lord’s Chariot

HT Long is known for his music ministry as the Elvis Presley of Malaysia. He has sung in almost all the churches in this country as well as many countries overseas. Living by faith he has experienced numerous times God’s provision and protection. More… Continue Reading



I work in the area of chronic mechanical back and buttock pain. This is debilitating and affects not only the body but saps and drains the mind and the spirit. Very often the patient becomes dispirited and disillusioned with himself and also with the medical profession for not being able to deal with it. More… Continue Reading



 Chua Wee Hian has been supplying “Quotes:  Read, review, reflect and release.”  Here he shares his thoughts on coaching TEAM OF COACHES In early July, I was watching Wimbledon on TV and marvelled at the skills and performance of the winners. This… Continue Reading


Cancer can be your friend

All his life Anton, a car salesman, lived for this life. He was a gambler and a drinker. He was also dyslexic so he did not have much education – his parents did not know enough to have him diagnosed or treated.  But to know him was to love him – he was such a joker and first to offer his help if needed. More… Continue Reading


The Enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy…..

but Jesus has come to give me abundant life. It was an ordinary day when I went to work as usual.  I was a real estate agent and was showing a client an apartment when suddenly he took out a knife to threaten me. He blindfolded me, tied me up and robbed me of all my possessions. Gripped with fear, I shook all over not knowing what he was going to do to me. More… Continue Reading


“I would never have learnt this otherwise…”

God had miraculously repaired it so that it no longer leaked. What did I learn from this?Continue Reading


With her last breath

As a new Christian, I was not sure what to do.  So very conveniently, I prayed to the Lord to send a Cantonese speaking Christian to minister to her.  Little did I know that the Lord had other plans? More… Continue Reading


Lost mobile

One blistering hot day during the Christmas-New Year holiday season I decided to take my wife and two young sons to the local aquatic centre. After enjoying ourselves all morning I went to arrange snacks for the family. I decided to check my mobile for the time and any missed calls. I went for my backpack and my hand rummaged and found the car keys, my wallet and swimming towel. But alas, my phone wasn’t there. More… Continue Reading


Would you like to get well?

Having been sick from long-term depression and not being able to get out of that deep  dark hole,  I love the passage on the healing of the man by the pool in John 5: 2-15. Here I share the lessons I have learnt from it. More… Continue Reading


By Searching

As a teenager, I thought a lot about the meaning of life and realized by the age of 14, that everything was a “mere chasing after the wind” as opined in the book of Ecclesiastes of the Bible. As life was good then, I decided to declare myself an atheist and told myself that God didn’t exist and I could depend on my own strength to get things done. More… Continue Reading


A Foreigner befriends a Chinese

“What do you believe?” I told him I believe in Marxism. “What do you believe?” I asked him. He said, “I believed in God. More… Continue Reading


God has His Hand on Marcus

Our world was suddenly shattered to pieces. Lord, what is happening? “God, where are You when we need You most?” More… Continue Reading


50 years of married bliss!

Today 50 years later we are still as much in love as then. We pray we will remain “Lovers for Life” as stated in the title of the book we co-authored with Chua Wee Hian and King Ling in 1971. Continue Reading


My Journey with God through an Aneurysm

One year ago due to the feelings of pins and needles on my left arm, I went to see a cardiologist. After adjusting my high blood pressure pills, had an ultrasound echogram, and a CT scan. Five months later, after an MRI he saw a shadow in the brain area… Continue Reading


A Fall and A Bandage

In my excitement I didn’t realize I was getting too near the edge of the stage.  In a flash I dropped down 8 feet to the ground. Too late, the person next to me was not fast enough to catch me and the other performers were on the other side of the stage, too stunned to move. More… Continue Reading


Thrill and Greed Had Him in Their Grip by Michelle Wong

Gary Chee was a habitual gambler from young. Having lost house, restaurant, friends… his future suddenly brightened overnight… More Continue Reading


God’s Hand is still on Marcus…. and me

It has been some 20 years since our Lord miraculously healed my son Marcus of a malignant brain tumour in 1994 at the age of 12 and yet I still had this lingering fear of a recurrence despite my travelling all over the country and even overseas to glorify His Name. On 1st May 2014 that lingering fear turned to grave apprehension when Marcus called to inform me that he had a headache and was resting in his apartment in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. Continue Reading



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