Issue – 18a

June 2016: issue: 18
A Word from Goldie. 

When Jason Wong came to Perth to give a talk on how “Every child needs a dad” he based it on his experience of working among people who came from broken families or fathers who failed their children. He was so convinced of this that he resigned from his government job and founded “Dads for Life” in Singapore.  He puts into practice what he preaches as we can see from his daughter’s testimony in “My Journey as a father”.

Someone said the best gift you can give to your children is to love their mother. The story of Bill Havens in “A father’s choice” who gave up the opportunity of winning in the Olympics to be with his wife during her delivery is a practical demonstration of this.

Adios, till we meet again is my celebration of the 21st anniversary of my father’s home-going. We had a special bond maybe because he welcomed me into the world by delivering me himself at home during a blackout when the Japanese bombed Hongkong during World War II.

I call him Dad is another daughter’s fond memory of her dad as she travels down memory lane recalling precious memories.

Our children are exposed to different worldviews and as parents we need to understand what is influencing and moulding them. Tek ‘accidentally’ found a helpful book “Authentic Parenting in a Postmodern Culture”.  He recommends it For parents living in the 21st century.

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Reader’s feedback June 2016 issue #18

Feedback on Father’s Articles: issue #18 June 2016 


Jenny Ching-Mumenthaler, Switzerland

 Thanks for your write-ups and to remind us about fathers especially our own.  Strangely enough, there is no Father’s Day in Switz., only mothers’ day.  So glad you were able to really make sure he accepted Christ before he went home.  They are all in peaceful heaven now….a great place to be. Like your other articles too.

Arline Lo, USA

 Thanks for sharing your story and San’s. After reading San’s story, it brought back my memory of your dad. I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to play violin with your dad. Although I had only taken violin lesson for a year or two in middle school, he had me play with him and his friend one Saturday afternoon at his office. And guess what! We played Falling Leaves! I was eager to find the music sheet after reading San’s story but it may take me a while. I even have a picture of the three of us which I will attempt to look for it one day.

Feedback Mother’s Day Special issue #18 June 2016


Telly Chow, Hongkong.

feedback-THUMBI too was another life touched by Auntie Louise. When I first came to HK, she included me as family and introduced me to play piano duet with her, invited me to the weekly family meal gathering. Auntie Louise and Adore invited me to the Women Aglow meeting in 1987, which ignited my heart to receive Christ as my Savior and my life was never the same again. This is the biggest impact for my life’s journey!

Auntie Louise’s words “Forgive everyone and don’t be a busybody” still resonate in my mind, truly this is a powerful statement and a secret to happiness. I am remind myself all the time!

Daniel Wong, USA.

feedback-THUMBI truly enjoyed your account regarding your mother. I remembered vividly those Saturday evenings in late 1950’s spent at your home in HK for dinner and afterwards playing music with a group of young musicians directed by Arrigo Foa, conductor of HK Symphony; (your dad playing the saxophone, you the cello, Sammie the clarinet and me the violin). I remembered your mom being so distinguished looking, always capable and charismatic! Every time when I think of your mom and dad it always bring out comfort and warmth in my heart!

Anna Gower, Perth.

feedback-THUMBThank you Goldie. Thanks for sharing the wonderful memories of your mother Louise!   Happy Mothers’ Day!


Steve Oh, Perth.

feedback-THUMBA special day for Mother is nice to see
And every day with Father is the way to be
God our Heavenly Father lights our way
God bless our beloved mothers in every way

Meilin jitsan, Petaling Jaya

feedback-THUMBThank you for your articles and may we wish you too happy mother’s day. We pray the good lord shower His blessings upon you as you both continue to inspire many who read your  stories and advice

Reona Lombard, Perth

feedback-THUMBWe were so touched to read the article on your dear Mother.  The hidden beauty of her great life seemed to be the simplicity with which the journey was undertaken.  Surely that must have been her quiet confidence in the Lord.  We were very touched by your mother’s godly wisdom and were so honoured to meet her and have her play duets with me on my grand piano in our home.  What an honour to have her in your family.

Dixie Chua, Spore

feedback-THUMBI used to correspond with your mother for many years. Reading your article about her made me miss her letters even more! She had been a very generous person especially to those who were musically inclined! Our family received a lot of help from her. She might not have mentioned it to you but I just cannot forget how good she was towards us. I like to recall some of the kind deeds she showed to us, not to glorify a person but to remember how God used her to provide our needs. (See also “More about my Parents Renald & Louise Ching“)

Jenny Ching-Mumenthaler, Switzerland

feedback-THUMBThanks for your writeups and to remind us about fathers especially our own.  Strangely enough, there is no Father’s Day in Switz., only mothers’ day.  So glad you were able to really make sure he accepted Christ before he went home.  They are all in peaceful heaven now….a great place to be. Like your other articles too.

Sansan Ching Sweeting, Hongkong

feedback-THUMBThanks for reminding us about Father’s Day, which was yesterday!   I wish all the fathers the best of yesterday and for the rest of the year starting from their very special day.    I also read your message, “Adios, till we meet again Dear Dad”, and was very touching.   Especially the photo of him and you in our family orchestra.   That orchestra, conducted by the Italian Professor Foa made a huge impact on me as a kid, for every Saturday, people gathered in our home on Cumberland Road, ate a dinner in the garden, then got out their instruments to play Falling Leaves and the ilk.  I can see the young people playing and hear the music to this day. (See also “More about my Parents Renald & Louise Ching“)

Arline Lo, USA

feedback-THUMBThanks for sharing your story and San’s. After reading San’s story, it brought back my memory of your dad. I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to play violin with your dad. Although I had only taken violin lesson for a year or two in middle school, he had me play with him and his friend one Saturday afternoon at his office. And guess what! We played Falling Leaves! I was eager to find the music sheet after reading San’s story but it may take me a while. I even have a picture of the three of us which I will attempt to look for it one day.

Feedback Other Articles issue #18 June 2016


Ps Patrick Chen, Perth

Interesting book review:

“ We understand postmodern kids better. DeMuth not only defines terms for the reader and points out pitfalls of this cultural shift, but she demonstrates how parents can tap into the strengths of the postmodern culture, such as the thirst for authenticity and transparency, the encouragement of community over individualism, and the denouncement of materialistic lifestyle. 

Simon Dias, Bangladesh

Your write up is always a source of blessings and encouragement to rededicate my life for the glory of our Lord. May He continue to use you more powerfully and preciously? Your commitment and love for Jesus is rare in the world. You will be honoured by our God.



Andy Sigar, Malaysia

Praise the Lord, with His guidance & everlasting love, the launching of AVG will bring glorious of God to our entire life with faith & love in our Lord Jesus Christ. Andy Sigar, Malaysia



Lorna Cheng, USA.
Thanks lots for the very insightful reading against LGBT onslaught against our Lord’s will for mankind! Enjoyed your issue.  This topic is so prevalent in the news we Christians have to be informed and alert. Keep up the good work.
Here is a link to an article about adult children of homosexual parents you might be interested in.

“Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids”

The Washington Times
Friday, March 27, 2015


June Ngoh, Spore

Keep up your wonderful online ministry!



Dorothy Holmes, Perth

Thank you for your news. I was very interested about the Kellerberrin visit. My husband visited in between the two Perth4Jesus visits. Kellerberrin is my home town. We stayed with Judi and Saun who were certainly walking with Jesus. God is so good. God bless you.

Feedback Dear Goldie Facebook  June 2016

Chimene Djeumo, Philippines

facebookDear Goldie, I’m Chimene a Ywam missionary from Cameroon, at the moment in the Philippines doing a Bible School. I’m a friend of Dr Andrew Kam. He forwarded me your website and I was very touched by the wonderful testimony. I was also touched and encouraged by your testimony of 51 years of marriage, that’s amazing!!!! Congrats and many blessings on you, your family and ministry!

Ruth Cristy Balaoeg Bowser, Philippines

facebookShalom. Hello Mrs. Chong. Hope you are doing well. You might not remember me but I’m the daughter of Phyllis Balaoeg. She worked for your family in Hongkong before. My mother has gone to glory. She had lymphoma and died January 27, 2009. She’s in a better place now. She loved your family so much. She told me that you went to the Philippines several times, she was really happy to see you and Dr. Chong. Thank you for your kindness to my mom. Thank you also for recommending me to the Teo family. I am currently living here in Memphis TN with my husband David. He is a Baptist minister and we’re serving a small church here. Please give my regards to Dr. Chong. God Bless. Ruth

Mary Smith, USA

facebookDear Goldie & Tek, Wilson passed to be with the Lord on the 20th.January. He had been ill for 8 weeks. He was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in July last year but he was on oxygen only two months. Our Baptist Church family have been very supportive to myself and the family. Hope you and your family are all well. Love in Jesus Mary Smith.?

Pamela Cheung, Malaysia

facebookHello dear Goldie, it’s a pleasant surprise that we have Rose and my old schoolmate Denison as our mutual friends. I knew you a long time ago in Hong Kong in the late 70s. You were very kind and warm to me when I was a stranger in HK with 3 young children and quite impoverished. I always remember your kindness but lost touch. Hopefully we may meet again. God bless you n your family. My best Wishes to all in your family. I remember your doctor husband and your three daughters. My name was Rosalind Cheung but when I reverted to my Chinese name Peng, it got anglicized to Pam hence I am now Pamela Cheung.

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“More about my Parents Renald & Louise Ching” 1-spacer

by Goldie Chong 


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“Every child needs a dad” 1-spacer

by Goldie Chong

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How Jason Wong founded “Dads for Life” in Singapore
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…02.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“My Journey as a father” 1-spacer

by Jason Wong

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His children rise up and call him blessed
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…03.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“A Father’s Choice” 1-spacer

by Goldie Chong

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He gave up a gold medal but didn’t miss out after all
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…04.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Adios till we meet again” 1-spacer

by Goldie Chong

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Wonderful deathbed conversion.
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…05.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“I call him Dad” 1-spacer

by Adrienne Green

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Down memory lane remembering the fun and laughter 
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…06.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“For parents living in the 21st century” 1-spacer

by Tek Chong

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Helping this generation to face the emergent culture teeming around them.



[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…07.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Suggestions to be a Good Father” 1-spacer

by the editors

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Practical actions.
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“New Malay Bible” 1-spacer

by Editors

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New Malay Bible translation Alkitab Versi Borneo is an accurate, clear, natural version for modern readers.
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“Time to Laugh”
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laughing-01-thumb-128-128 read more … by Chua Wee Hian

Azusa Street:
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…10.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Observations at Revival celebration” 1-spacer

by Chua Wee Hian

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azusaObservations at Azusa Street Revival 2016 celebration.
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“Who needs machines?” 1-spacer

when there are other options

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Whats on in Perth 1-spacer

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A free Non Denominational Web Portal for Christians in WA and beyond. Let us know about you next event let Perth Know What’s On. CIP Editor
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A free Non Denominational Web Portal for Christians in WA and beyond. Submissions welcome , email your editorial for consideration. CIP Editor
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It’s about the Cross
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v18. ” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
Love is a Weapon
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v19.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v20.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
Take Me from the Fire 

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v.11 Straining Toward the Goal v.12 Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. v.13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, v.14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 

Philippians 3:11-14 (ESV)


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