Issue – 19

July 2016: issue: 19
A Word from Goldie. 

I was baptized as a baby in an Anglican church. When I realized I had missed the real meaning and spiritual significance of baptism I decided to go through it again.

We have several baptism testimonies in this issue: some from youths, some in their later years, some new believers, some mature.  Baptism is an important part of a Christian’s milestone. It is a declaration in obedience to follow Jesus Christ.

We also  believe something supernatural happens when one goes through this covenant ceremony.

We pray that all who did will continue to experience the power that He gives to live an abundant life.

In our Youth Forum we have a deep-thinking teenager who urges Christians to stand up for their beliefs against the onslaughts of the present worldviews and cultural traditions. Christians should know what they believe and why they believe and behave accordingly.

Asian Beacon which we have been involved in for the past 45 years starting from its early inception when the “Dear Goldie column” was initiated,  Unfortunately there has been no publication since July 2015. One year later we feel we will re-start our Q&A column and rename it “Dear Goldie & Tek”.  Tek and I have always worked as a team in the previous column so  we include both our names in this feature. We would love to receive your questions. God bless, Goldie & Tek


Answering your questions based on biblical principles “read more“…

Email us your questions:

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Reader’s feedback June 2016 issue #18a

Feedback Article: issue #18a June 2016 

“ELECTIONS 2016”. 2nd July 2016

Daniel & Diana Chua

feedback-THUMB Thanks Goldie for sharing this message “Christians stand firm in your Faith”. We will pray for all Christians and God to touch the conscience of the non-Christians. PTL for this young man who wrote this message.

Dorothy Holmes, Perth

feedback-THUMB When I was a trainee nurse on night duty at RPH I was to share accommodation with a young nurse. She was suffering from an inferiority complex and tried some inappropriate behaviour. I had never heard the term, Lesbian. But I was out of there like a shot. It made me wonder why these girls got involved in such despicable lifestyles. Most lesbians I came across in my nursing career were searching for acceptance. I believe that God can heal anyone. 

Later as a Christian, I saw with my open eyes a homosexual spirit on a male leader. It was very ugly. Though the leader would not accept what I saw, he was later caught molesting young men. I had vaguely known him in his younger days and was told that he had been abused as a young child and was suffering guilt. He was desperate for acceptance at the time. However, many years later, he repented and is now happily married. 

When expecting my second child I suffered from a serious heart condition. My obstetrician urged me to have an abortion. Praise God that I didn’t follow his advice. As a midwife I had seen too many babies unnecessarily. My daughter was a beautiful child who later became a missionary in Zambia. In the 1980’s two cardiologists told me that I had 6 months to live. God had other plans. I was miraculously healed from the heart condition after a Baptist minister and his elders prayed for me.

It horrifies me to think that the laws of the land might change to allow same-sex marriage to be legalised.

Peter Woo Yam Poon, California.

feedback-THUMB Please also pray for us in Calif., and we will also pray for you in Australia.  The LGBT people want to “once and for all” wipe out all conservative Christian colleges.  There is a “Senate Bill 1146” already passed the upper house (Senate) of State of Calif., and most likely will pass the lower house (“Assembly”) unless God intervenes. 

Please see my webpage | “Pray for Faith-based Colleges in California“. But to relax yourselves, please see the one and only one poem I’ve written and forgotten:  Peter Woo’s Cat. 胡老師的貓 and something that non-believers would find interesting: wootle 

Anita Alberastine, Perth.


 So blest to read “Christians, stand firm in your Faith” written by your grandson Haydn… I can see a young teacher of God’s Word rising up!

Love his convictions! Wow, he is taking after both your footsteps! PTL!

Michael Crutcher, China.

feedback-THUMBSo blessed by your passion for truth as a young man.

A testimony to your grandparents, parents and love for the Bible. And the same for Ryan and the article you wrote 6 + months ago.

June Ngoh, Singapore.


Haydn wrote really well “Christians, stand firm in your Faith” and I am so encouraged that a university student like him has such a godly stand about this issue when his peers are usually wishy washy about this like one of my students who thinks that LGBTs have their rights.

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“More about my Parents Renald & Louise Ching”

by Goldie Chong 

Baptism Testimonies:

[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…01.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Saved on Sept.11” 1-spacer

by MK Tong

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An escape from death gave him another chance to be saved.
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…02.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Continuing to be sustained” 1-spacer

by Angie Tong

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Baptized together with her husband they experience God’s help together.
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…03.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Forty Years in the Wilderness” 1-spacer

by Mike Teo

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If he had known what he was missing, he would have lived differently.
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…04.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Reaffirmed: baptism vows anniversary” 1-spacer

by Ben Chua

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A young man baptized and confirmed decided after thoughtful consideration to go deeper into his precious faith.
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…05.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Why I want to be baptized” 1-spacer

by Renee Chen

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A pastor’s kid finds her own faith.
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…06.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“A life changing Decision in Perth” 1-spacer

by Cyrus Liu

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Transported from China to Australia, he is taking the most important discovery home.
[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…07.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Maureen Gan’s Story” 1-spacer

by Lim Ai Leng

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Life’s busyness did not make her forget her childhood dream.




[stextbox id=”black” caption=”…08.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
“Christians stand firm in your Faith” 1-spacer

by Haydn Lian

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In the myriad worldviews, opinions, agendas, know God’s truth to guide for your mind and behavior.
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“Very Hurt” 1-spacer

by Goldie & Tek

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Goldie & Tek answer your questions on relationships, parenting, grand parenting, career, faith, etc.
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by Goldie & Tek

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[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v11.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
It’s about the Cross
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v12. ” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
Love is a Weapon
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v13.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
[stextbox id=”grey” caption=”…v14.” direction=”ltr” shadow=”true”]
Take Me from the Fire 

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